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Agrigate is available for purchase at Anystack for $30.00 which comes with one year of Automatic updates. After the first year, you have the option to manually renew for another year of updates at $15.00.

Downloads are also available via Anystack.


After purchasing Agrigate, you have the option to download an .exe for Windows or an .AppImage for linux. Due to the cost of a certificate, the executables are not currently signed, so you may receive a warning similar to the following when trying to install. You can continue to install by clicking "More info" and "Run anyway".



You can check the MD5 or SHA256 against the value listed in the appropriate release notes to verify that the downloaded file matches what I uploaded.


In order to receive automatic updates, you must enter your license within the settings page of Agrigate. You can do so by clicking on File -> Settings.


Note: Activation is not required to utilize Agrigate, only to receive automatic updates


For those interested in being able to access or view data outside of the application, all data is stored locally in a Realm database. The file is called "local.realm" and is located in the installation directory.

To open and interact with the database, you can download Realm Studio from the releases page or GitHub

Note: Manually modifying the data is not supported and could cause issues inside of the application


Agrigate lets you easily track and manage various components of your farm operation including crops, tasks, customers, and more.

Most areas of the application can be accessed through the main navigation bar, which is broken down into the following sections:


  • Farm: The farm section contains work areas that help you manage the operational aspects of your farm. This includes creating and updating crops, harvests, and disposals in addition to daily tasks or metrics for the crops you care about.
  • Market: The market section allows you to keep track of sales and other market releated information
  • Business: The business section is where you can manage the business-level entities such as contacts and customers.